Bauhaus Imaginista + Still Undead
Gavin ButtAbstract
Butt was Research Curator on the international Bauhaus Imaginista project devising material on Leeds art education for two exhibitions: Bauhaus Imaginista (Haus der Kulturen der Welt, March 15 – June 10 2019) and Still Undead: Popular Culture in Britain Beyond the Bauhaus (Nottingham Contemporary, September 21 2019 – January 12 2020).
Bauhaus Imaginista marked the centenary of the founding of the Bauhaus by critically reassessing the reach and significance of the institution’s ideas and practices across multiple transnational contexts. Different themes were explored across four “chapters.” Butt was involved in the “Still Undead” chapter addressing experiments in light design, sound art, expanded cinema, performance and popular culture in Bauhaus-influenced colleges in the US and UK after WWII. The exhibitions restored Leeds as an important regional centre for art school experiment within the globalist purview of Bauhaus internationalism.