Wireframe Valley and Spruce Pine, North Carolina

Paul Dolan


Wireframe Valley (remade, 2017) and Spruce Pine, North Carolina (2018) form part of a body of practice-led research engaged with issues of media materiality (Fuller 2007; Cubitt, 2016; Parikka 2015), the environmental impact of media production (Grossman 2006; Maxwell & Miller 2012; Lepawsky 2018), computer simulation (Bogost 2007; Wardrip-Fruin 2012; DeLanda 2015) and the ontology of time (Adam 2004; Zielinksi 2008; Sharma 2014).

The works operate within new media art and contemporary art contexts, offering new knowledge to the fields of animation practice, new materialist philosophy, videogame studies and horology.


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